This surfboard was inspired by the chant He Kumulipo. It recounts the birth of Kanaloa, god of the sea.

0615. Hanau o Kanaloa, o ka he‘e-haunawela ia
Born was Kanaloa the hot-striking octopus
1530. Pola‘a
Born was Pola‘a
1531. Hanau ka ‘ino, hanau ke au
Born was rough weather, born the current
1532. Hanau ka pahupahu, kapohaha
Born the booming of the sea, the breaking of foam
1533. Hanau ka haluku, ka haloke, ka nakulu, ka honua naueue
Born the roaring, advancing, and receding of waves, the rumbling sound, the earthquake
1534. Ho‘iloli ke kai, pi‘i ka mauna
The sea rages, rises over the beach
1535. Ho‘omu ka wai, pi‘i kua a hale
Rises silently to the inhabited places
1536. Pi‘i konikonihi‘a, pi‘i na pou o Kanikawá
Rises gradually up over the land
1537. Lele na ihe a Kauikahó

After the painting progressed I started thinking of Pele chasing her lover Kamapua‘a, the pig-man, into the sea where he transforms into an octopus. In subsequent years she searches her little piggy out, sending tendrils of lava to the sea where he quenches her thirst.

Modern research illustrates the interconnectivness of life- the hot lava created warm oceans fostering the growth of algea which helped fish. Kamapua‘a’s kinolau or bodyforms include many fish. In effect, Pele still cares for her estranged lover.

Another meaning is that the creation recorded in the Kumulipo continues.

Shipping is dependent on distance, method, and type of packaging requested.

Price $8,000.00
Dimensions 20 x 84 x 3
H x W x D (cm)
Weight 20 (kg)
Creation Date September 2019
Hang Ready